Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The main solution to the majority of problems in the world!

The truth is that the answer to the majority of problems in the world is that we must abolish nationalism(the segregation of the world), currencies of all kinds and any other means of exchange that has caused and is causing so much massive exploitation, injustice, unnecessary struggle, suffering and death. This system of trade run by traitors must be replaced with a system of sharing and run by those who are caring. The replacement being a one world government of true democracy, unity and equality with leaders from every part of the world all acknowledging and embracing all our beautiful differencies while enforcing laws that ensure that everyone equally share the work and wealth of the world for the righteous upliftment of humanity. Yet the reality is all jobs are not equal and how can you justify people that are working harder than other people yet sharing an equal amount of benefits, this would obviously be unfair causing most people to believe that a worldwide system of equality is impossibe. This is where the major controversy has always been and exactly where it's going to end. One solution is simply that every individual working at jobs deemed as more difficult in terms of being more mentally and/or physically demanding can work less time than an average or less difficult job requires. Another solution is that everyone be trained to do several jobs(easy and difficult) so that everyone could do their equal share of easy and difficult work by simply alternating jobs after working specific equal periods of time at both easy and difficult jobs to make the work fair and just for everyone. Also those who work above and beyond their call of duty be rewarded and regonized. These are just some examples of the many ways that humanity can create a worldwide workforce that is fair and just to everyone's satisfaction while equally sharing the wealth of the world. The dog eat dog, kill or be killed, every man for himself environment that capitalism(money) creates puts man against man in fierce and deadly competition with each other and it's primitive, sick, unnecessary, makes no sense and just morally wrong. With a worldwide system of equality we can simply set up friendly forms of competition where nobody gets hurt or killed yet still brings out the best in everyone while we all share everything. When the root of society is corrupt(capitalism/money), then what else can we expect but a chain reaction of corruption to occur. We as a people must come together and create a one world civilization and society with the righteous root of equality, until then and only then will one of the greatest chain reactions of righteousness occur. There is no I in team and in sports to give your team the best chance to win is thru sharing and teamwork, these same principles must be applied in politics so that we can stop all this selfish sin and let the righteousness of humanity win.

The concept of money(capitalism) causes too many people to do what they know in their heart is wrong just in order to survie. Capitalism(money) allows too many people to get what they don't deserve and way too many people to not get what they absolutely do deserve. The whole concept of capitalism(money) is exploitation and anyone who accepts this is simply allowing sin and exploitation to be legal all over the world. To put it simply capitalism(money) is the law of the jungle written into law and it is really sad how everyone is just accepting this. The democracy associated with capitalism(money) is an hypocrisy in so many ways, the main reason being that capitalism(money) gives people the freedom to be corrupt and exploit as many people as they want and however they want thru the use of money taking most people's human rights and freedom away from them. A worldwide government of equality would simply abolish money giving everyone fair and just equal amounts of work so we can all equally earn and have the righteous freedom we all deserve. Capitalism uses money as a way to control people by limiting their freedom to have and do the things they need and forcing most people to work very hard just to have this very limited freedom. Under capitalism money is freedom, yet capitalism is a form of slavery using money as the main source for people to have freedom, whatever money anyone may have is just a limited form of freedom, therefore when people don't have money they also no longer have their human rights and freedom and this is just morally wrong. Capitalism(money) gives power to racist people allowing them the ability to exploit the races that they hate. People are either positively but ususally negatively motivated by money, money which is the product of a sick corrupt capitalist enviornment that forces people to need this product just in order to survie. Supply and demand, if we don't demand equality, the exploitation they will supply and people will continue to die. Once we demand equality, the righteous power of equality will be supplied and motivate everyone positively with no exploitation allowed. The moral and ethical difference between the present corrupt system of exploitation and a worldwide righteous system of equality is so huge and the inability of humanity to understand the simplicity of this and take action is unexcuseable. The character of humanity is in question for allowing this massive exploitation of the majority of people in the world. Meaning anyone of a considerable age who can read and understand this, YOU! YOUR CHARACTER IS IN QUESTION! The massive exploitation causing the majority of people to suffer and millions to die is caused by the majority of people's acception of the concept of money and this capitalist system of sin and exploitation. We are all equally responsible for all this inequality and must make a righteous change and the only way is thru equality. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS ONGOING TRAGEDY! Here's a great quote by Martin Luther King Jr. - "An injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere". Your one injustice of accepting capitalism allows capitalism to create injustice and inequality everywhere by the sinful laws that it dictates. If your not part of the righteous equality solution then your part of the evil unequal problem. The majority of people fail to realize the fundamental flaws of capitalism(money) and how it so negatively influences, allows and forces people to put profit before human need and sacrifice their morality. The capitalist system also allows a minority of people to profit from and exploit the majority of people's labor, to put it short the majority of people in the world are being pimped and this can obviously no longer be accepted. One example of how our current financial system is a failure is the massive prison population of the world obviously relative to the poor conditions caused by capitalism(money) leading to frustrations with the end result being people breaking laws and becoming violent. Another example to prove this point is that the majority of people in the world are spending so much time and energy being exploited at hard working jobs that either have nothing to do with the righteous upliftment of humanity and the earth or are actually helping in the exploitation and destruction of humanity and the earth just to make a selfish profit for either themselves or the person or people they are being oppressed by. Yet under a worldwide system of equality, 100% of humanity would be equally working at jobs strictly for the righteous upliftment of humanity and the earth with everyone dedicated to accomplishing this goal in a fair, scientific, intelligent, cooperative manner with everyone truly living equally and righteously rich. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!


  1. You make some greeat points here. It seem that you are speaking of a "New World Order" when you talk about a one world government, and that bothers me. However, you are absolutely correct when you say that the dog eat dog mentalaity prevelent today in the Earth's society has to cease.


  2. Well we need a new world order and as long as it is a righteous new world order based on equality and unity then it shouldn't bother you!

  3. Capitalism is not evil in itself, the foundation is very corrupt: banking, stock markets, corporate laws, etc.... A regular tower of babel. A new world order founded on these pillars would be just as corrupt.

  4. Wow! I have often thought the same thing and altho I can't completely read the blog because I have add and can't speed read on my small screened phone I caught the jest and have thought the same but would get stumped when the issue of capitalism would come to mind but you answer that BEAUTIFUL!
